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Imaginware Development Co.

How to Order the GURPS Character Generator:


Send of personal check or money order to:

Timothy S. Antonicic
Imaginware Development Co.
1427 Bloomingdale Road
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
(630) 747-1194


Now pay the easy way, with PayPal! This is the only way to pay by a charge card!

Standard Registration
IMWGurps Upgrade
Starship Builder

IMWGURPS Character Generator

Standard Registration $30 US
Upgrade from previous version: $5 US
IMWCombatulator $10 US
IMWStarshipBuilder $10 US


Upon registration of the GURPS Character Generator, you will receive the latest version of the software, as well as, any currently included/updated GURPS expansions. You will also receive Imaginware's GURPS Editor which will assist you in adding your own Advantages, Disadvantages, Skills, Spells, etc... into the system.

The registered version is delivered via e-mail or, upon request, through standard mail on one CD. Please add $3 shipping and handling.

Upgrades are received via e-mail. There will be a $5 upgrade fee charged for all registered users. If you are interested in receiving an upgrade, please send us an e-mail, and we will process your request as quickly as possible.