Released 04/28/2006
- Fix: Encumbrance for Split strength races now correctly uses the second strength score for determining encumbrance.
- Enhancement: Make Law Skill a description type.
- Enhancement: Make Parry Missle Weapon a blocking type skill.
- Enhancement: 4th Edition rules added!!!
- Enhancement: Allow equipping, adding and subtracting of items that are contained in containers.
- Fix: Add container items to reorganize menu selection.
- Enhancement: Add "reliable" phrase to Contact advantage display ("Somewhat" became "Somewhat Reliable").
- Fix: Shield display of DR values when extra DR enchants were bought now display correctly.
- Enhancement: Added Dependents Dialog.
- Enhancement: Added Allies Dialog.
- Fix: Prevent deleting of text from edit controls in Contact and Reputation dialogs.
- Fix: Ritual Magic Paths and Rituals now work correctly.
- Fix: Short Staff skill now parries at 2/3.
- Fix: Add Maneuver defaulting for Tail Sweep and Death from Above for the Dragons database.
- Fix: Add Maneuver defaulting for Covert Ops and Low-Tech databases.
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