Released 03/02/2001
- Internal: Restructuring of Skills, Ads, Disads, Spells, Equipment, Armor, and
Weapon items.
- Fix: Weak Will will now modify checks.
- Fix: Recalculation of Transportation items.
- Fix: Head/Face designations. (Added option for including DR to head for helms
without full facial protection).
- Fix: Several database updates for Armor items.
- Fix: Character recalculation now keeps Modified date.
- Added: Skill Headings.
- Added: Save maximized state of Window. If main window is maximized, then upon startup it will
be maximized.
- Fix: Black Power Weapons now get IQ bonuses.
- Fix: Brass Knuckles damage set to thrust (punch+2).
- Fix: Venom Racial Advantage calculation.
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