Released 09/22/2000
- Fix to calculation of running bonus to basic speed. Previously did not add any
running bonuses into calculations.
- Added Tabbed-Dialogs.
- Added Increase and Decrease by 10 and 100 buttons to the Equip Equipment items dialog.
- Added Whip to parry modifiers: only 1/3 for parry skill.
- Added Transportation page.
- Fix to subtract reduced move from Move and Dodge.
- Added last date modified to character.
- Double-clicking in Equip Armor dialog now Equips and UnEquips Armor.
- Added minor enchantments to weapons and armor. Added cheap, fine, and very fine weapons.
- Redesigned Armor section to include seperate heading for face and modified databases to
designate helmets that protect the face.
- Added punch to character.
- Added a field to the databases for adding multiple items. Now only specified armor, weapon,
and equipment items will ask for a quantity to aquire.
- Changed Activate Runes, Body of Stone, Create Object, Drain Mana, Geyser, Golem, Possession,
Restore Mana, Shapeshift Others, Shapeshifting, Shatter, Burning Death, Reflect Gaze,
Steal Skill, and Vigil to MVH.
- Changed Flight and Radiation Jet to MH.
- Modify skills dialog for spells so it no longer allows spells to be reduced below 1 point.
- Added functionality for description button to Weapons, Armor, and Equipment Dialog boxes.
- Fixed equipping items to groin only. Use to equip upper torso in Equip Armor Dialog.
- Added a Remove Parry, Remove Block, and Remove Battle Skill menu selection.
- Added option in User Preferences to select the amount at which +damage turns into another
- PD and DR sections will now display multiple shields if necessary.
- Fix to adding Martial Arts Cinematic maneuvers to the characters standard skill list.
- Added Reaction checks to the character for Reaction, Health, Fright, Will, Hearing,
Smell/Taste, Mental Stun, Physcial Stun, Crippling Injury, and Perception.
- Added impaling values for PD/DR on the main character page.
- Added DR 2 to Brain.
- Added Fine Armor quality to Armor enchant dialog.
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