- Added special calculations for Clerical Magic advantage.
- Added descriptions to Aliens-Fantasy Folk, Horror, Magic, Grimoire, and Compendium.
- Added Fur, Hide and Scale racial advantages to the Aliens-Fantasy Folk database.
- Added Prerequisite checking for several compendium skills.
- Added Special Calculations for: Snake Charming, Fortune Telling, and Panhandling.
- Ability to zoom in and zoom out of character sheet now allowed.
- Fixed problem with sorted and unsorted sub-lists.
- Made Animal Training a Desc for training specific types.
- Added Myth database.
- Added Psionics database.
- Updated cost calculation for Racially modified skills.
- Fix to Recalculation of Manuevers based on DX.
- Fix to some Martial Arts Styles maneuvers starting values.
- Fix to add Cinematic Martial Arts maneuvers to main character via styles and
not via Styles.
- Added ability to use Strength for Health and Basic Speed.
- Added ability to use Health for Fatigue.
- Added Technology spells to Magic database.
- Added Acrobatic Maneuvers to Compendium.
- Changed Damage Resistance to have a description.
- Added GURPS Japan to Historic database.
- Fixed Weapon damage calculation for weapons with no added bonus (e.g. sw, or
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