- Weapon Damages are now being calculated and displayed on the character's equipment page.
- Added descriptions to Horror, Historic, Aliens-Fantasy Folk.
- Organized Claws and Teeth Racial Advantages into sub-tables.
- Fix recalculation of Martial Arts Styles cost.
- Allow the selection of Martial Arts Style Skills for Parry, Block, and Battle Skills.
- Martial Arts Styles now require the rest of the Advantages points to be spent before the
style is added to your character.
- Added a Check All button to the Magic Schools dialog.
- Added "Language" SubID tag to Language skills and "Native Language" tag to default
language skill.
- Added "Body Fat" standard equipment to equipment list for use with Fat and
Overwieght Disadvantages.
- Tech Level now persisted after character Recalculation.
- Added Possession checking for: Voice-Disturbing Voice, Weath-Poverty (including Temporary),
and Dwarfism-Gigantism. Also added Body Sense +3 bonus from Absolute Direction.
- Fixed Recalculation of defaulted skills and Modifying Defaulted skills.
- Added SubID ability to Single-NaturalAttack advantages.
- Added ability to change character's name in the Attributes dialog.
- Added OtherPD's and OtherDR's to the character sheet modifying the base PD and DR values.
- Put Damage Resistance into a Sub-Table.
- Added more KIT files for the Horror database.
- Fixed List displaying error for Racial Advantages and Racial Disadvantages. Information
is now correctly displayed.
- Remove duplicate Weapon Master from Compendium database.
- Changed Enhance-Dialog for Enhanced Advantages and Disadvantages.
- Moved all Magery Advantages into a Magery Sub-table.
- Display Magery level in Advantage description. (e.g. Magery: Song (+2))
- Moved all Savior Faire skills into sub-table.
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